Membership Fees
The Chimney Hills Estates HOA charges homeowners an annual fee of $110 for maintaining and operating the Association and the Addition. Payment is due after January 1 each year and is considered delinquent if not paid by April 1.
Mail your payment to:
Chimney Hills Estates
7122 S Sheridan Rd, Ste 2-431
Tulsa, OK 74133-2748
New lot owner Fee:
The Chimney Hills Home Owners Association charges a one-time membership fee for new lot owners in the neighborhood. That fee is typically paid during closing of a home purchase and included in the final purchase price.
Annual maintenance fee:
The amount of the membership, maintenance and late payment fees are approved during the association’s annual meeting in December. The last fee increase was in 2015.
Maintenance fees pay for a variety of expenses including landscape maintenance and upgrades, electrical service for entrance lighting, insurance, printing and mailing of the bi-monthly newsletter, and this website, among other things. In 2017, the association recorded total income of $79,035 against expenses of $78,445.
Click here to download a Profit & Loss report for 2020.

Mandatory Fees Charged by Neighboring HOAs
The following list, compiled by CHE resident Patty Taylor, documents the mandatory fees charged by nearby neighborhoods in 2014.